Tuesday, June 26, 2012

"The Reckless and The Brave"

I went to high school in Maryland, right on the border of Washington, DC and Virginia. About an hour north is Baltimore, MD. From this city hails one of my favourite bands from high school, All Time Low, an alternative punk band. I think I started getting into them around Grade 9, right around when they graduated high school and put out Put Up or Shut Up. My favourite song off this album is "Jasey Rae" in case you were curious.

My sophomore year of high school was filled with tracks from So Wrong, It's Right. One of the sweetest love songs I've heard is "Remembering Sunday," from this album. It's an unorthodox love song, but it's one I play when I became infatuated with someone, identifying the plight of searching for that person that made you happy. It all culminates for me in the line "who can deny these butterflies?/They're filling his gut" because we all know the feeling. But enough of that ramble.
The members of All Time Low (from L to R): Jack Barakat, Alex Gaskarth, Rian Dawson, Zack Merrick

My junior year was graced with Nothing Personal. I was so happy these guys could pump out music as fast as I wanted them to. Later that year I turned to the song "Weightless" during a break up and the line "maybe it's not my weekend/but it's gonna be my year" helped me feel a lot better. All Time Low's music was great for hard times and just as fun to blare in the car with all the windows down.

Also, when "Jennifer's Body," that crazy vampire movie came out, they did a single for it called "Toxic Valentine." It's still catchy to this day.

Unfortunately, I didn't hear any new All Time Low until I graduated high school and moved even farther away from their hometown. Luckily, when I came back from my first year of university, Dirty Work had come out. This became my favourite album to listen to back and forth to work, with "Get Down On Your Knees and Tell Me You Love Me" at the top of the list.

And just the other day, I found that they put out a song for the Tim Burton re-make of Alice in Wonderland called "Painting Flowers." It's artful and sweet and I find myself keeping it on repeat.

Lyrics from "The Reckless and the Brave"
And now, All Time Low has released their first single for the newest yet unnamed album called "The Reckless and The Brave," a song all about rebelling against the conformity of suburbia. You can download a free copy of it at www.alltimelow.com. This song is getting me so excited for when the full album will be released! No official release date yet, but I hope it's soon!
Twitter: @AllTimeLow

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