Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Weeknd

On a more current note, my housemates and I have been obsessed with The Weeknd for quite a long time (thanks to my musically hip housemate Mel). He's from Montreal, QC, and came to our little university town for a show (I unfortunately missed it thanks to a huge midterm the next morning). When he was playing at Coachella, we all sat around a laptop streaming his performance and we fan-girled the entire performance. Studying for exams was happily forgotten.

For those who have not been exposed to The Weeknd (which is getting pretty hard these days since he's becoming so popular), go to his website and download his music. http://the-weeknd.com/

It's ALL FREE! The Weeknd is a true artist - he wants to share his music to anyone and everyone. He's absolutely amazing. He's got a beautiful voice, thoughtful lyrics, and his music is absolutely mesmerizing.
House of Balloons - My favourite The Weeknd album
My favourite song is "High For This." The beginning is beautiful and the drop is beyond words. Make sure you turn up your sub-woofer for this tune. "The Knowing" is an absolutely incredible song and will make you cry. So much of The Weeknd's music is about how he's done wrong in his life, but this song is all about how he knows he's been done wrong. 

Here's to The Weeknd showing up at more concerts, coming back to my university town for a show, and coming up with some new music soon!
Twitter: @theweekndxo

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